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In Primorye, building of the APEC summit in 2012 is entering the house

August 23rd, 2011 by admin

But one in concreting zahvatki grillage pylon M7, which lasted incessantly for four years, was laid approximately 9500 cubic meters of self-cast concrete – one of the humankind record in nosepiece building bridge constructions obemov. V bridge constructions realised the cycle is really complex clandestine plant. 2 1000 cubic meters of packed high quality concrete. Hence, the completed building of all towers exclude the highest in the reality 320-meter pilonov. Scorn the extremely unmanageable brave learned – during building received most 200 storm warnings – work is beingness done in a regular clock. That is, a goodness one-half of the gigantic span was built below the ground! Invisible to the eye of the bridgework complete the Eastern Bosphorus impressive in its scope, fifty-fifty professionals. Konstruktsii metallic superstructure on the edict of “USK MOST” produced by Russian plants in Omsk, Kurgan, and Ulan-Ude.

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