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Construction the dispersion head (DP) of 110 kV at Vologda CHPP discussed

May 18th, 2011 by admin

According to them the close of February at the building locate leave be finished laying conduit trays. Representatives of the contractor likewise spoke most plans to bod a RP in the near hereafter. In gain, participants discussed the technological aspects of start and set outages VL 35-110 kW for the menses of reconstruction. The independent building plant will be ruined in belated May 2011. Mishurinsky reported. We touched upon the problematic issues related to approvals of workings, also as the lease of domain on which, in accord with the propose moldiness be installed overhead supports. A figure of works carried picnic ahead of the timetable – N. Nicholas Mishurinsky told roughly the progress of workings on building of 110 kV RP, intentional for powerfulness delivery to the CHP to the grid of the Vologda Vologda part. In May – Set the internal metal fence in June – landscaping. – At the salute meter at a ability set workings on podsypku, performed pile foundations are filled rostveki, installment of the ground loop is executed, standard 5 cell PASS MO, likewise as work began on the facility of fencing. ” The encounter was attended by Surrogate Director Cosmopolitan for Investment JSC “MRSC of N-W,” Aslan Chekhoev, director of “Vologdaenergo” Alexander Klimanov, deputy director of logistics and logistics Andrey Kiselev, director of the output section “Vologda electrical networks,” Nicholas Mishurinsky and Surrogate Director of Majuscule Building of TGC-2 Alexander Varentsov and representatives of the contractor.

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