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Suspended construction heat, intended to provide oestrus to

February 21st, 2012 by admin

” In this position, “Volga TGC” is unable to continue building of the 4th teplovyvoda from Togliatti cogeneration plants and to suspend sour to resolve the owner of all commonwealth use issues. 3 gazillion rubles is realized at the disbursement of own finances of the Volga TGC. And around 70% of new loads get to Avtozavodskii city. Already this yr, the 4th moldiness be machine-accessible to a heat beginning customers – residents 14A and 17A Territory neighborhoods Avtozavodsky Tolyatti. Given that there is a reserve Togliatti CHP oestrus capacitance and caloric might place WHA, situated in the Avtozavodskaya dominion, already overloaded, and in 2004 a task was initiated by transferring rut to ToTETs Avtozavodsky district, which was so included in the investing program of the Volga TGC in 2007 – 2011. Napomnim that the duration of 9. 5 km of heating mains are laid to nosepiece the existing gap in the metropolis warmth and render Forward-looking caloric loads Togliatti to 2015 at least toll.

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